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Nowadays fakes news goes viral, and we hear about fake and false information which has been shared on Social Networks. Fake news is a big problem. How to self-check the news and get the facts?

In Italy www. Fact chekers was launched in 2016. This association promotes educational fact-checking to avoid the dissemination of these unreal news.This association tests the critical spirit of users by teaching them how to recognize untrusted news with some simple rules. They also provide a factchecking toolkit to give people the tools they need to make up their own minds.

Often when we surf the Internet, especially on Social Media we simply tend to be attracted by some news that intrigues us. It’s necessary to take the time to go deep.

There are a lot of tips for figuring out what's fake and what's real: -Do an online search to confirm the main facts in the story, click on any links provided, and read the sources. - Look for any reports identifying the site as a fake news site, and/or look up the author's bio online.

The surest way to stop a false story from spreading is not to share that.