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IES Francesc Tàrrega

IES Francesc Tàrrega

This high school location is in Vila-real,Spain

Our Buildings

1.There are classrooms of music,computing,laboratory and all of the subjects 2.The classrooms are very equiped for arll of the subjects: computers,instruments and P.E material.3. We have a garden on the yard with courts of basketball and football4.In the canteen you can buy all of the things: Chips,Croissants,pizza,sweets...

What you can study

We study secundary,bachelor and training cycles 1. We can study: English, Maths, Spanish, Valencian,phyiscal and quimic,P.E and music

.You can opcional study: French, latin,computing,technology.

Educational Programmes

At the moment we are doing an Erasmus+ project with partners from Italy,Greece,Latvia

CUltural and sport activities

A few days before Christmas, Easter holidays and summer, we make a day of cultural and sports activities. In cultural activities we make a paella contest and more things such as making cakes.In sport activities we play football,tenis...

Thank you!