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TIMESHEETS Do your workers submit timesheets for review? Flexr will let know how many need to be approved and whether there are any errors or warnings, helping you to manage this process seamlessly.

TIME & ATTENDANCE Check in an instant who in your team has clocked in and out by clicking the time & attendance tab.

ASSIGNMENTS View each of the job roles and assignments of your workforce in one place.

EXPENSES Manage the expense claims of your workers quickly and conveniently.

SICKNESS Not only can you see who is off sick within your portal, but you can drill down to check which team members are on long term sick and those who require a fit note.

ACCIDENTS & ISSUES Should an accidents or issue occur in the workplace, you’ll be instantly notified.

ONBOARDING Keep track of which team members need to be onboarded, are still on probation and what workers have yet to complete their Flexr profile by viewing the onboarding tab.

DOCUMENTS The document storage homes the important files relating to each team member, such as ID’s, giving you access to this information any time.

24/7 HR SERVICES Reassurance provided knowing that you have compliant HR and payroll support 24/7.

EVERYONE'S HAPPY Takes the negative emotions out of the employer-employee relationship.

24/7 CUSTOMER SERVICES 24/7 customer services support from a neutral third-party.

GDPR COMPLIANT SECURITY Flexr gives you peace of mind knowing that your company’s data is secure within the portal.

TIME OFF The portal conveniently provides an overview of who in your team is off work absent or sick, as well approved and unapproved absences.

INVOICES Flexr shows you the invoices that have been raised, sent and received – you can export the payment file should you wish as well.

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