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How popular are extreme sports in your country? ”

Turn the direct question into an indirect one using: Could you tell me...? I was wondering...

Why do you think many towns have banned parkour in certain areas?

Turn the direct question into an indirect one using: Do you know...? Do you have any idea...?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of taking part in extreme sports?

Turn the direct question into an indirect one using: Could you tell me...? I wonder... I'd like to know...

What’s the biggest risk you’ve ever taken?”

Turn the direct question into an indirect one using: Could you tell me...? I wonder... I'd like to know...

What are some of the risks of using the Internet?

Turn the direct question into an indirect one using: Do you have any idea...? Can you tell me... I'd like to know...

What is the most dangerous area of the place where you live? What makes it dangerous?

Turn the direct question into an indirect one using: Could you tell me...? I was wondering...