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Mobile-First Marketing

An introductory guide on mobile marketing

Survey Says

Startups.co recently surveyed 500 startups and small business owners in their primary digital marketing objective. Top Priority: to increase company and product awareness.

Survey Says

How can small business owners increase brand awareness and gain new customers?

Survey Says....... Mobile Marketing

Google drives 94% of mobile search traffic, followed by Yahoo at 4% and Bing at 1% – NetMarketShare (2016)

What is Mobile Marketing

Mobile Marketing is not about technology, it is really about focusing on your audience. It’s connecting with your audience and watching them engage with your content.

What is Mobile Marketing

In a mobile-first world, entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, nonprofits, or small teams should consider implementing mobile marketing in their long-term strategy so they can ensure that their content is mobile ready.

Mobile Marketing Looks Like

1. Content based on location, time, season, and date 2. Weather Forecast 3.Information based on internet searches, google or iOS calendar, event registration 4.Social Media Networking 5. Health Statistics

Mobile Marketing comes in different styles from sponsored social media platforms to ads on websites tailored to your customer’s experience.

How does mobile marketing work?

While you are browsing on Facebook, instagram, or google you will see mobile advertisements appear

Mobile Marketing

Remember your customer journey spans across social networks, so marketing must adapt to its ever-evolving changes. Mobile Marketers need information to be timely, concise, and fast. .

Why Mobile Marketing Works

84% of Facebook and 60% of Google’s Ad Revenue is comes from mobile (Red Website Design)

People browse 70% more web pages on tablets than smartphones

Retail conversion rates are 2.2% on tablets, considerably higher than 0.7% on smartphones, but traditional PC conversion rates are still highest at 3.3%

3 Strategies for Mobile Marketing

Access: Your Audience must be able access content from your phone. Make sure your website is mobile friendly.

Interactive: Create content that adds value and converts your audience to buy your product. Your content must be actionable.

Enhance: Remember, your customers are using mobile devices, think of ways you can enhance their experience (i.e. location specific content)

So where do I start?

1. Ensure You Have A Mobile-Ready Site Register your website with Google My Business Page Test your site on https://search.google.com/test/mobile-friendly

2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Focus on incorporating keywords in your content that potential customers maybe searching for.

3. Accept Mobile Payments Add mobile payment options for your customers Paypal, Apple Pay, Google Wallet

5 tips to aincorporate mobile marketing into your strategy

So where do I start?

4. Make Your Social Media Campaigns Mobile Friendly Adapt your messages and Optimize your images for mobile

5. Make Your Emails Mobile Friendly 65 percent of all emails are now opened on smartphones rather than desktops or laptops

5 tips to aincorporate mobile marketing into your strategy

Interested in more training on mobile marketing or other topics?

Give me a shout: strategy@ashleyshuler.com

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