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Within the framework of our efforts to reduce our carbon footprint, at Ferrovial, we analyse our activities with respect to the climate and water footprint strategy we have implemented while at the same time defining our objectives through the calculation of emissions

EMISIONES EVITADAS POR CATEGORÍAS The GHG emissions avoided in the last year can be distinguished according to the following categorization:


  1. Ferrovial is recognized by: Dow Jones, MSCI, Member Stoxx, FTSE4Good and CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project).
  2. Moreover, Ferrovial has for another year been awarded for their climate change strategy in the "Climate A list" leadership category in the Climate Change edition, which classifies companies with best practices for reducing emissions and their management to mitigate the effects.
  3. Ferrovial have also reached a leading position in the Supplier Climate Performance Leadership Index (SCPLI), an index that certifies excellence as a provider of products and services with low-emission business models.

OBJETIVOS DE REDUCCIÓN Y DESEMPEÑO l The objectives published in the Carbon Footprint Inventory 2016 have recently been updated, certified by the Science Based Target (SBT) initiative. l Ferrovial have pledged to reduce by 32% their emissions in Scopes 1 and 2 (those generated by their own activity) by 2030, taking as reference the year 2009. This is equivalent to reducing emissions by 42.9% for every million euros of turnover. l The company also undertakes to reduce Scope 3 emissions (indirect emissions, excluding capital goods, acquired goods and services) by 20% to 2030, taking as reference the year 2012.

EMISIONES GEI SCOPE 1, 2, 3 100% of emissions verified:

HUELLA HÍDRICA Ferrovial has developed a specific methodology for analysing and controlling their water footprint, based on the principles of "The Water Footprint Assessment Manual" (WFM), the "Global Water Tool" (GWT) and GRI v4. Thus, the company's water footprint can be analysed from three main indices: l BWI Business Water Index. Water footprint related to water consumption and waste in the activities developed by each of the business units that make up Ferrovial. l WTI Water Treatment Index. Index that considers the impact on Ferrovial’s footprint of the processes of Cadagua water treatment and the treatment of leachates in landfill sites of Ferrovial Servicios and Amey. l WAI Water Access Index. It indicates the impact on Ferrovial's water footprint of water supply projects in communities located in developing countries, within the company's Social Action programs.