Want to make creations as awesome as this one?



Joaquín García Venegas

The Statue of Liberty

It was a gift from the French government in 1876 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the USA. It was erected in 1886. It was designed by French sculptor Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi and built by Gustave Eiffel.

Empire State Building

The Empire State Building is a skyscraper located on Fifth Avenue between West 33rd and 34th Streets in Midtown, Manhattan. It has an observatory where you can see the Hudson River from, New Jersey, the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island or Central Park.

Central Park

It is an enormous piece of land that was bought by the city in the middle of the 1800s to make a park for the city. It is good for people to relax from city life. It has a big lake in the middle. It is the most visited urban park in the United States.

Madison Square Garden

It is also named The Garden. It is located on 34th Street. The atmosphere before the games is incredible. There can be about 200,000 persons attending the matches. In the book, Antonio watched the game of Knicks against Nets, which is similar to the derbis in Spain. Befere the match starts there was a show with the players, it has lights, really loud music and a laser light show.

Thanksgiving Day

It commemorates how the Native Americans helped the first English settlers in Massachusetts survive their first difficult year in the New World. They gave them food and showed them what vegetables to plant. American families celebrate this holiday as a day to give thanks for all the good things that they have got and they eat a turkey in family.

New Year’s Eve

It is the last day of the year and it is celebrated in most of the countries. In Spain the most famous place to celebrate it is La Puerta del Sol. In New York, Antonio went to Times Square and it was full since there were thousands of people there. The most prominent celebration there is the ball drop. At 11:59 a crystal ball located on the roof of One Times Square is lowered down a pole that is 70 feet high, reaching the roof of the building sixty seconds later to signal the start of the New Year.