Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


From photons 2 electrons


IES FRANCESC TÀRREGALevel: 3 ESO (Ages: 14-15 years)

Teacher: Ana Claramunt

ACTIVITY 1. Getting to know each otherACTIVITY 2. Presentation of our school, country and cityACTIVITY 3. Presentation about how do Photovoltaics work and creation a game with vocabulary related to solar energy.ACTIVITY 4. Brainstorm. How would you like to use solar energy in your environment for sustainable living? Ideas in a common poster.


Activity 1.Getting to know each other

Each student prepared his/her presentation using the tool biteable.

They need one session to make it.

Activity 1.Results

Some of my students videos Marta Boixhttps://app.biteable.com/watch/embed/marta-boix-1246474

Elena Almela https://app.biteable.com/watch/embed/presentation-2-1242787

Eva Julián https://app.biteable.com/watch/embed/presentation-1-1246490

Vicent Mezquita https://app.biteable.com/watch/embed/presentation-2-1246464

Activity 1.Assessment

Format:Number of scenes: from 4 to 8Background musicBackground colorContents:- Name- Birthplace and where you live- School where you study- Hobbies and interests (cinema, sports, reading...)

Activity 2.Presentation of our school, country and city

In groups of 4 students they prepared a presentation using the tool prezi.

Each group was assigned a topic for presentation: school, country or city.

They need two sessions to make it.

Some of my students presentations

Activity 1.Results

Presentation of Spain https://prezi.com/3fsxfefl9ctd/spain/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy

Presentation of our city Vila-real http://prezi.com/6fnk_i0uvoyc/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy

Presentation of our School IES Francesc Tàrrega https://prezi.com/embed/pt8yswm0biyk/?bgcolor=ffffff&lock_to_path=0&autoplay=0&autohide_ctrls=0&landing_data=bHVZZmNaNDBIWnNjdEVENDRhZDFNZGNIUE43MHdL

Activity 2.Assessment

Format:Number of scenes: from 7 to 14Contents:Country: Location in Europe. Population Regions in Spain. Flag. Climate. Economy. Cultural and sport activitiesCity: Location in Spain and in our region. Flag. Population. Climate Economy Cultural and sport activities.School:Name. Location. Our building: classrooms, equipment, green zones, canteen... What you can study. Educational programms: Erasmus +. Cultural and sport activities

Activity 3.Presentation about how do Photovoltaics work and creation a game with vocabulary related to solar energy.

In groups of 4 students they prepared a presentation using the tool prezi.

Each group has to prepare a game with vocabulary related to solar energy.

They need three sessions to make it.

Some of my students presentations

Activity 3.Results



Some of my students games

Activity 3.Results



Activity 3.Assessment

Format:Number of scenes: from 7 to 14Contents:1. What does a solar cell consist of? What are solar cells made of?2. How is solar energy produced?Basic operating principle of a solar cell.Photovoltaic effect.3. Solar panel working diagram.4. How much energy does a solar panel system produce?What is the power output of a solar panel?5. What happens when it is cloudy?6. Some examples of solar energies applications.

Activity 4. Brainstorm. How would you like to use solar energy in your environment for sustainable living? Ideas in a common poster.

In groups of 4 students they make a brainstorm using the tool popplet

We prepare our contribution for the common poster using the tool thinglink

They need three sessions to make it.

Some of my students brainstorm

Activity 4.Results




Our contribution in the common posterhttps://www.thinglink.com/scene/918504896624328706

Activity 4.Results