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The plot

Tom Jones: a foundling


An international masterpiece

Mr Allworthy takes care of Tom Jones © alamy stock Tom Jones gets into trouble © alamy stock Tom Jones marries Sophia © getty images

Barcellona, Planeta, 1989 Milano, Feltrinelli Editore, 2007 Parigi, Gallimard, 2007

The protagonist of the story is Tom Jones, a foundling brought up by a wealthy and kind-hearted man called Mr. Allworthy at his house in Somersetshire, in South West England. Tom is a charming and generous young man who, even if he is very popular among women, grows fond of Sophia Western, his neighbours’ daughter. Unfortunately, her parents don’t accept their love because of Tom Jones’ humble origins. Due to the household affection towards the adoptive child, Blifil, his legitimate cousin grown up with him, feels not loved enough. Blifil, because of his jealousy, starts scheming against him in order to make him leave. For this reason, he starts a series of adventures and travels all around England in cities such as Bristol and London where he meets various sets of characters. In the meanwhile, Sophia’s father wants his daughter to marry the hypocritical Master Blifil but she refuses and stands against the unsustainable decision. At the end of the story, Tom discovers that his real mother is Mr. Allworthy’s sister, Blifil’s intrigues are unmasked and, because of that, the uncle decides to give the majority of his inheritance to Tom, who finally gets married to Sophia.

Redacted by: 4^S ISIS "O. ROMERO" Albino (Bg), Italy. HENRY FIELDING'S MAP: Anna Assolari, Caterina Manzoni, Amal Riadi, Chiara Masserini. PLOT: Ilaria Magoni, Paola Zucchelli, Chiara Azzola, Khadija Zaaif, Sara Colombo, Beatrice Bertocchi. PHOTOGALLERY: Miriam Zanoletti, Alessia Moroni, Klajdi Delijaj. A COMIC EPIC NOVEL: Francesca Moioli, Marina Colombi, Beatrice Fiori. LAYOUT: Maurizio Olmi, Federica Riccardi, Sara Congia, Pietro Merelli. A warm thank you to teacher Ciceroni.