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integrated european project




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integrated european project

the core curriculum

curriculum for Spain and andalusia

(for any european country)






the core curriculumadaptations to national lawS ARE neededwritten in english




assessment criteria






learning standards

There's no creativity without fun, No innovation without creativity, No success without innovation. Are you ready to do awesome things?

There's no creativity without fun, No innovation without creativity, No success without innovation. Are you ready to do awesome things?

There's no creativity without fun, No innovation without creativity, No success without innovation. Are you ready to do awesome things?

There's no creativity without fun, No innovation without creativity, No success without innovation. Are you ready to do awesome things?

There's no creativity without fun, No innovation without creativity, No success without innovation. Are you ready to do awesome things?


1. Self-awareness, autonomy and knowledge of others

CONTENTS ASSESSMENT CRITERIA LEARNING STANDARDS Block 1: Self-awareness, autonomy and knowledge of others Self-knowledge:

  • Strengths and weaknesses.
  • Interests, aptitudes and attitudes.
Knowledge of others:
  • Tolerance, respect, coexistence.
  • Empathy, assertiveness, conflict resolution.
  • Decisions on professional or training itinerary.
1. Describe the strengths and weaknesses, interests, aptitudes and attitudes, relating to professional activities and training itineraries. 2. Know the other participants adequately performing cooperative tasks. 3. Make decisions about the educational and professional route, taking into account the strengths and weaknesses, interests, aptitudes and attitudes. 1.1. Identifies personal strengths and weaknesses in different areas of your life and applies the proposed tasks. 2.1. Interacts through social networks and platforms properly, expressing opinions with respect and cooperating in the proposed tasks. 3.1. Designs a training and professional itinerary according to a personal analysis of strengths, weaknesses, interests, aptitudes and attitudes.


2. Knowledge of the learning and working environment from a European perspective

CONTENTS ASSESSMENT CRITERIA LEARNING STANDARDS Block 2: Knowledge of the learning and working environment from a European perspective Social, economic, educational and political characteristics. Local, regional, national and European level. Training itinerary, professional sector and job. Gender equality in the workplace:

  • Stereotypes
  • Visibilization contributions of women
1. Identify the main social, economic, educational and political characteristics of the environment that influence the training and the workplace, as compared with other European countries. 2. Find and select relevant information from different verified sources. 3. Research on jobs and training routes. 4. Create content with information on the labor and training environment, compiling later. 5. Analyze from the gender perspective of the workplace environment. 1.1. Creates infographics on the major social, economic, educational and policies that influence their environment training and labor, as compared with other European countries. 2.1. Specifies proven sources of information in generated content. 2.2. Searches news media professional, analyzing and critically reviewing sector. 3.1. Investigates a professional sector of their environment, with their different jobs and training itineraries needed to reach them, compared with other European countries. 3.2. Identifies the rules and institutions that influence the formation and regional, national and European labor sector locally. 4.1. Creates infographics and presentations with information from different sources on the training and workplace. 4.2. Makes a concept map on training paths and jobs. 4.3. Creates a portfolio with all generated content. 5.1. Critically analyzes gender equality in the workplace, especially with regard to overcoming stereotypes and visibility of women's contributions.

3. Cooperative entrepreneurial project

CONTENTS ASSESSMENT CRITERIA LEARNING STANDARDS Block 3 : Cooperative entrepreneurial project Personal, social and productive dimension of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial skills:

  • Creativity
  • Networking
  • Teamwork
  • Risk taking
  • Planning
Cooperative entrepreneurial project:
  • The idea
  • The relationship with the environment
  • Concrete proposal
  • Action plan
  • Evaluate and reflect
  • Marketing
  • Communicate, present, represent and negotiate.
1. Know the dimensions of the enterprise. 2. Analyze and evaluate the importance of entrepreneurs in society. 3. Develop a cooperative entrepreneurial project to solve a problem of the environment, participating in all phases (proposal, development, evaluation and dissemination) and performing assigned tasks. 1.1. Identifies personal, social and productive dimension in entrepreneurial projects. 2.1. Meets and sets an example of entrepreneur assessing their importance in society. 3.1. Participates in the creation and development of a cooperative entrepreneurial project that solution to a problem of the environment. 3.2. Suggests possibilities and helps to set proposals. 3.3. Cooperates to establish an action plan developing it. 3.4. Develops the tasks responsibly, taking the risks and consequences. 3.5. Evaluates and reflects on the developed project 3.6. Creates promotional materials and advertising of products and / or services of the project by applying the principles of marketing. 3.7. Disseminates and shares experience across different platforms and social networks.

4. Information and Communication Technology

CONTENTS ASSESSMENT CRITERIA LEARNING STANDARDS Block 4: Information and Communication Technology Personal Learning Environment. Applications. Mobile devices. Creating and editing text, audio, image and video. Multimedia content. Infographics. Conceptual maps. Digital portfolio. Publishing internet:

  • Blog
  • Web page
Posting on social networks. Security and privacy. Copyright and publishing licenses. Reliability of sources of information. 1. Search and select applications tailored to their interests and needs. 2. Create and edit text content, image, video and audio using computer applications. 3. Create multimedia content using applications. 4. Use cooperatively applications. 5. Publish and disseminate multimedia content and created presentations. 6. Develop habits in the use of tools that allow accessibility to productions from various mobile devices. 7. Use social networks and platforms responsibly and safely. 1.1. Creates a Personal Learning Environment based on a training and work itinerary, selecting applications, digital resources and explaining the reasons for the choice. 2.1. Creates text documents with applications that facilitate the inclusion of tables, images, formulas, graphics and hypertext elements and other design possibilities. 2.2. Uses mobile devices for image capture, audio and video editing content. 2.3. Makes concept maps using computer applications. 2.4. Captures and edits videos cooperatively on professional activities and training routes. 3.1. Creates infographics with applications to describe, summarize, argue or explain previously generated content. 3.2. Integrates content image, audio, video and text in the development of productions and presentations, adapting the design and layout to the message and the audience to which it is directed. 3.3. Creates a digital portfolio to collect contents related to the training path and the chosen labor sector. 4.1. Takes part actively in cooperative activities that use computer applications. 5.1. Uses distribution channels to accommodate multimedia materials and link them in other productions. 5.2. Creates a blog or a website to publish content generated using a variety of elements (text, links, images, parts of a post, etc.) 6.1. Prepares materials that are accessible from different platforms. 6.2. Exchanges information on different platforms, signing up previously. 6.3. Synchronizes information between a mobile device and another device. 7.1. Participates in social networks responsibly and safely, sharing information and reviewing with respect to the information shared by others. 7.2. Knows and applies the rules of publication, respecting the privacy of individuals, copyright and publishing licenses.

5. English

CONTENTS ASSESSMENT CRITERIA LEARNING STANDARDS Block 5: English Understanding of oral and written texts:

  • Main points
  • Relevant details
  • Initiation and maintenance of personal relationships and social
  • Commonly used oral vocabulary
  • Specific vocabulary about education, work, ICT and entrepreneurship
Production of oral and written texts:
  • Planning
  • Performance
Importance of English in the labor sector. 1. Understand the main points and relevant details in oral and written texts, informal and formal, short or medium length. 2. Recognize commonly used oral vocabulary relating to education, workplace, ICT and entrepreneurship. 3. Produce short or medium length oral texts in informal or formal discussions, in which information and opinions are exchanged. 4. Maintain enough fluency in the speech to get the message across. 5. Understand the importance of English proficiency in the labor sector 1.1. Identifies the main points and relevant details of texts, videos and formal and informal messages, short or medium length. 1.2. Understands explanations and opinions on various topics, participating in a formal or informal conversation. 1.3. Distinguishes, with visual or written support, the main points and relevant details, in well-structured presentations. 2.1. Understands specific vocabulary about education, work, ICT and entrepreneurship in conversations, discussions, presentations and written texts. 3.1. Participates in formal or informal discussions in which exchanges information and opinions expressed and briefly justified, making oneself understood when speaking. 4.1. Performs fluent and well structured oral presentations, previously tested. 5.1. Analyzes with critical thinking the news in the media about the importance of English proficiency in the labor sector.

CONTENTS ASSESSMENT CRITERIA LEARNING STANDARDS Block 1: Self-awareness, autonomy and knowledge of others Self-knowledge:

  • Strengths and weaknesses.
  • Interests, aptitudes and attitudes.
Knowledge of others:
  • Tolerance, respect, coexistence.
  • Empathy, assertiveness, conflict resolution.
  • Decisions on professional or training itinerary.
1. Describe the strengths and weaknesses, interests, aptitudes and attitudes, relating to professional activities and training itineraries. 2. Know the other participants adequately performing cooperative tasks. 3. Make decisions about the educational and professional route, taking into account the strengths and weaknesses, interests, aptitudes and attitudes. 1.1. Identifies personal strengths and weaknesses in different areas of your life and applies the proposed tasks. 2.1. Interacts through social networks and platforms properly, expressing opinions with respect and cooperating in the proposed tasks. 3.1. Designs a training and professional itinerary according to a personal analysis of strengths, weaknesses, interests, aptitudes and attitudes.

CONTENTS ASSESSMENT CRITERIA LEARNING STANDARDS Block 2: Knowledge of the learning and working environment from a European perspective Social, economic, educational and political characteristics. Local, regional, national and European level. Training itinerary, professional sector and job. Gender equality in the workplace:

  • Stereotypes
  • Visibilization contributions of women
1. Identify the main social, economic, educational and political characteristics of the environment that influence the training and the workplace, as compared with other European countries. 2. Find and select relevant information from different verified sources. 3. Research on jobs and training routes. 4. Create content with information on the labor and training environment, compiling later. 5. Analyze from the gender perspective of the workplace environment. 1.1. Creates infographics on the major social, economic, educational and policies that influence their environment training and labor, as compared with other European countries. 2.1. Specifies proven sources of information in generated content. 2.2. Searches news media professional, analyzing and critically reviewing sector. 3.1. Investigates a professional sector of their environment, with their different jobs and training itineraries needed to reach them, compared with other European countries. 3.2. Identifies the rules and institutions that influence the formation and regional, national and European labor sector locally. 4.1. Creates infographics and presentations with information from different sources on the training and workplace. 4.2. Makes a concept map on training paths and jobs. 4.3. Creates a portfolio with all generated content. 5.1. Critically analyzes gender equality in the workplace, especially with regard to overcoming stereotypes and visibility of women's contributions.

CONTENTS ASSESSMENT CRITERIA LEARNING STANDARDS Block 5: English Understanding of oral and written texts:

  • Main points
  • Relevant details
  • Initiation and maintenance of personal relationships and social
  • Commonly used oral vocabulary
  • Specific vocabulary about education, work, ICT and entrepreneurship
Production of oral and written texts:
  • Planning
  • Performance
Importance of English in the labor sector. 1. Understand the main points and relevant details in oral and written texts, informal and formal, short or medium length. 2. Recognize commonly used oral vocabulary relating to education, workplace, ICT and entrepreneurship. 3. Produce short or medium length oral texts in informal or formal discussions, in which information and opinions are exchanged. 4. Maintain enough fluency in the speech to get the message across. 5. Understand the importance of English proficiency in the labor sector 1.1. Identifies the main points and relevant details of texts, videos and formal and informal messages, short or medium length. 1.2. Understands explanations and opinions on various topics, participating in a formal or informal conversation. 1.3. Distinguishes, with visual or written support, the main points and relevant details, in well-structured presentations. 2.1. Understands specific vocabulary about education, work, ICT and entrepreneurship in conversations, discussions, presentations and written texts. 3.1. Participates in formal or informal discussions in which exchanges information and opinions expressed and briefly justified, making oneself understood when speaking. 4.1. Performs fluent and well structured oral presentations, previously tested. 5.1. Analyzes with critical thinking the news in the media about the importance of English proficiency in the labor sector.

CONTENTS ASSESSMENT CRITERIA LEARNING STANDARDS Block 4: Information and Communication Technology Personal Learning Environment. Applications. Mobile devices. Creating and editing text, audio, image and video. Multimedia content. Infographics. Conceptual maps. Digital portfolio. Publishing internet:

  • Blog
  • Web page
Posting on social networks. Security and privacy. Copyright and publishing licenses. Reliability of sources of information. 1. Search and select applications tailored to their interests and needs. 2. Create and edit text content, image, video and audio using computer applications. 3. Create multimedia content using applications. 4. Use cooperatively applications. 5. Publish and disseminate multimedia content and created presentations. 6. Develop habits in the use of tools that allow accessibility to productions from various mobile devices. 7. Use social networks and platforms responsibly and safely. 1.1. Creates a Personal Learning Environment based on a training and work itinerary, selecting applications, digital resources and explaining the reasons for the choice. 2.1. Creates text documents with applications that facilitate the inclusion of tables, images, formulas, graphics and hypertext elements and other design possibilities. 2.2. Uses mobile devices for image capture, audio and video editing content. 2.3. Makes concept maps using computer applications. 2.4. Captures and edits videos cooperatively on professional activities and training routes. 3.1. Creates infographics with applications to describe, summarize, argue or explain previously generated content. 3.2. Integrates content image, audio, video and text in the development of productions and presentations, adapting the design and layout to the message and the audience to which it is directed. 3.3. Creates a digital portfolio to collect contents related to the training path and the chosen labor sector. 4.1. Takes part actively in cooperative activities that use computer applications. 5.1. Uses distribution channels to accommodate multimedia materials and link them in other productions. 5.2. Creates a blog or a website to publish content generated using a variety of elements (text, links, images, parts of a post, etc.) 6.1. Prepares materials that are accessible from different platforms. 6.2. Exchanges information on different platforms, signing up previously. 6.3. Synchronizes information between a mobile device and another device. 7.1. Participates in social networks responsibly and safely, sharing information and reviewing with respect to the information shared by others. 7.2. Knows and applies the rules of publication, respecting the privacy of individuals, copyright and publishing licenses.

CONTENTS ASSESSMENT CRITERIA LEARNING STANDARDS Block 3 : Cooperative entrepreneurial project Personal, social and productive dimension of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial skills:

  • Creativity
  • Networking
  • Teamwork
  • Risk taking
  • Planning
Cooperative entrepreneurial project:
  • The idea
  • The relationship with the environment
  • Concrete proposal
  • Action plan
  • Evaluate and reflect
  • Marketing
  • Communicate, present, represent and negotiate.
1. Know the dimensions of the enterprise. 2. Analyze and evaluate the importance of entrepreneurs in society. 3. Develop a cooperative entrepreneurial project to solve a problem of the environment, participating in all phases (proposal, development, evaluation and dissemination) and performing assigned tasks. 1.1. Identifies personal, social and productive dimension in entrepreneurial projects. 2.1. Meets and sets an example of entrepreneur assessing their importance in society. 3.1. Participates in the creation and development of a cooperative entrepreneurial project that solution to a problem of the environment. 3.2. Suggests possibilities and helps to set proposals. 3.3. Cooperates to establish an action plan developing it. 3.4. Develops the tasks responsibly, taking the risks and consequences. 3.5. Evaluates and reflects on the developed project 3.6. Creates promotional materials and advertising of products and / or services of the project by applying the principles of marketing. 3.7. Disseminates and shares experience across different platforms and social networks.

integrated european project

the core curriculum

curriculum for Spain and andalusia

teacher implementation guide

(for any european country)


- Open, Flexible, Complex and Contextualized- Connected with reality, with the everyday life and with the interests of students- They tend to solve a problem or the development of a product

- Closed, Uniform, Simple and Out of context - Disconnected from reality and the interests of students - They try to acquire a strategy or to assimilate a content







How are you going to explain where you live to students from other countries?


How are you going to explain where you live to students from other countries?


How are you going to explain where you live to students from other countries?

What should you take into account to choose a job?

What are your skills, strengths and talents?

How different is a job in different European countries?

How can you meet a real professional of my dream job?

What is the job that matches with your skills?

could you study or work in another country?

How can we create a cooperative entrepreneurial project?

What would you like to see changed in your surroundings?

DESIGN OF the task








There's no creativity without fun, No innovation without creativity, No success without innovation. Are you ready to do awesome things?

integrated european project

the core curriculum

curriculum for Spain and andalusia

instructional materials

teacher implementation guide

(for any european country)

instructional materials

Are you ready to do awesome things?​

There's no creativity without fun,

Are you readyto do awesome things?​

No success without innovation.

No innovation without creativity,

Are you ready to do awesome things?​

to be continued...







957 734 819

