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Ruby Bridges Hall, née le 8 septembre 1954 à Tylertown au Mississippi, est une femme américaine connue pour être la première enfant noire à intégrer une école pour enfants blancs. Elle déménagea avec ses parents à La Nouvelle-Orléans, en Louisiane, à l'âge de six ans, en 1960. À cette date, ses parents répondirent à un appel du NAACP et acceptèrent que leur fille participe à l'intégration dans le nouveau système scolaire mis en place à La Nouvelle-Orléans. Elle devint ainsi la première enfant noire à aller à la William Frantz Elementary School et la première enfant afro-américaine à fréquenter une école blanche en Louisiane.


Shocking racist insult The viewer is confronted to his/her own racism?

Racist organisation, used to attack and lynch black people. Violent and insulting. The viewer is confronted to his/her own racism?

Rotten tomatoes= violence and blood. An echo to white people's reaction

Civil Rights Movement: In the South of the USA in the 1950's/1960's black people rebelled against segregation. After the end of slavery some southern states made racist laws (Jim Crow Laws) which separated white and black people. Black people would not be allowed in the same restaurants, cinemas, toilets as white people. They used to be discriminated and they decided to fight. They would demonstrate, march and boycott. They were beaten and ill-treated.This movement was joined by famous acticvists like Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks. In the end justice won and in 1964 the Civil Right Act was voted. All men and women were equal in the USA.

The title: "The problem WE all live with", is like a question to the viewer: WE all have a problem with racism.

The Marshalls

Bright yellow= you can't miss it, you can't ignore they are officials

Official documents= the law

No head= justice is blind No head= not involved all walk at the same pace= the girl is framed

Ruby Bridges

White dress= stands out, other cother colours are dull ( ternes) White= innocence and peace

Very proud and dignified. Looks straight ahead= is determined and feels right

Just a school girl who wants to go to school

walks to the left= to the west, the far west, symbol of hope and a better future. walks faster than the marshall's deputies= they protect and also frame her

Blue book with white stars+ red= American flag colors (name of the flag= Stars and Stripes)