Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Beauty and Brains When a 27-year-old self-made billionaire gifts a first edition set of Tess D'Urbervilles to his woman, intelligence is a given.

There is more talent in his fingers than there is in all of the Kardashian kids combined. 

    He knows how to get creative with a tie.

    He's a jack of all trades, and knows how to use a tool or two. #TheRedRoomOfPain

    No explanation required.

    "He's not merely good-looking...he's the epitome of male beauty, breathtaking, and he's here." -Anastasia Steele

    Because he's broken.And we just want to fix him.

    Working hard is an understatement.

    Because...damn! The man can wear a suit like nobody's business.