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Parvana is a girl aged eleven who lives in Afghanistan when the talibans invaded her country. Her parents were a history teacher and a writer, but when the talibans came, they lost their jobs. Parvana lives in an apartament with one small window with her parents, her big sister Nooria, her little sister Maryam and her little brother Ali.

One day, the Talibans entered her home, and they took her father to prison, but Parvana didn't know why. She and her mother went to the prision to save her father, but the Talibans hit them. Her family couldn't get money without her father, so they cut Parvana's hair and she dressed with the clothes of her dead brother. She sold her belongings at the market, but later she bought a tray and started selling gums and cigarettes in the market with her friend Shauzia,.She also looks like a boy. They got more money than selling things in a blanket.

The Talibans forbid the women to leave home, but Parvana loves going out, so she accompanied his father to sell his possessions on a blanket in the market to get some money, even if she had to sit on the floor and hide in her burka, a very long dress that covers all her body with a rack to see.

I like this book because it is based on real events. I also like how Parvana tries to get money for her family, even if she has to cut her hair. I think it's a very nice story. I would recommend it