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Gráfico interactivo para la explicación del tema Parts of a river (partes de un río).


LAKE Lago Large bodies of water surrounded by land. They can contain either salt or fresh water.

WATERFALLS Cataratas A place where the river water suddenly falls.

MEANDER Meandro Bend in a river. Meanders normally ocurr in the middle and lower courses where the water is moving more slowly.

LAGOON Laguna costera (Imagen: La manga del Mar Menor, Murcia, Spain) A shallow body of water separated from a sea by sandbars or coral reefs.

DELTA Delta (Imagen: Delta del Ebro, Cataluña, Spain) The river drops its sediment and mud across the mouth. A delta is often triangular in shape.

NIVAL REGIME Régimen Nival When most of the water discharge by the river came from snow and ice that melt in summer.

RAINFALL REGIME Régimen Pluvial When most of the river's water came from rain.

MOUTH Desembocadura Place where the river flows into the sea or a lake.

STREAM or TORRENT Torrente In the upper course, rivers are narrow and flows very quickly.

MARSH Marisma Transition zone betwee sea water and land.

ESTUARY Estuario It's an area of a river where seawater go inside the river course and mixes with freshwater.

TRIBUTARY Afluente A stream or river flowing into a larger river.

GLACIER Glaciar Moving rivers of ice.