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How Long?


AIM: To orally practise asking and answering questions using Present Perfect and Simple Past INSTRUCTIONS

  1. Students in pairs.
  2. Student As agree on a picture and ask a question to student Bs based on the picture, using HOW LONG + PRESENT PERFECT
How long have you had your car? 3. Student B answers using a Present Perfect and FOR or SINCE I have had my car for 8 years. 4. Student A asks a second question related to the picture using a simple past. Was it very expensive? Did you pay a lot for it? Where did you buy it? 5. Student B asnwers using the Simple Past 6. Another picture is chosen and it's now Student B's turn to ask.

How long have you studied English?

How long have you worked at your job? How long have you studied in this school?

How long have you had your car?

How long have you lived in your house?

How long have you lived in your city/town?

How long have you had your mobile phone?

How long have you known your English teacher?

How long have you known your best friend?

How long have you been awake?

How long have you had your email address?