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Challenge question: Read and think about the following Challenge Question: What does an effective IEP team do in order to develop SDI that meets the unique needs of a student with a disability and supports accelerated progress towards grade-level standards?

Reflect upon the following questions:

  1. What factors do you take into consideration when developing SDI?
  2. How have you collaborated with other team members when developing SDI?
  3. What do you feel are some challenges around implementing SDI?

Objectives 1. Learn how to develop, implement, and evaluate specially designed instruction (SDI) that accelerates student progress by: ❏ Considering the characteristics of the student as learner, including the strengths, priority skills, and impact of the disability identified during the PLAAFP process ❏ Considering the content, methodology, and delivery of general education instruction in the student’s learning environment. ❏ Identifying evidence-based instructional practices and interventions that address the student’s unique learning needs to support mastery of goals and accelerated progress in the general education curriculum. ❏ Selecting and delivering instruction/intervention, accommodations, supplementary aids and services and program modifications that address the needs/concerns specific to the disability in order to allow the student to access and participate in the general education curriculum. ❏ Ensuring that school staff responsible for implementing the student’s SDI have the training and resources they need to do so with fidelity. ❏ Planning for the delivery of each intervention and support by specifying the timing, setting, and service provider. ❏ Developing a plan to monitor the implementation and impact of the SDI on the student’s learning. 2. Review a student’s SDI plan to determine if it includes the individualized critical components.