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Water grid system bringing clean water to the city.

A tailings dam has collapsed and the tailings have flooded down the mountain slopes destroying a village and the environment.

Tailings Dams needs to be able to contain the tailings without fear of dam walls collapsing and flooding towns and destroying the environment and causing human hardship.Engineers keep a good eye on the management of the tailings dams.

Water piped to towns from Water Tower. ? Water Towers and pumping stations.Fresh water for household and human use.

Processing of minerals and ore uses water.The waste water needs to be processed and reused thoughtfully.

Cotton farming irrigation uses huge amounts of water and river systems such as the Murray River are feeling the consequences and in some areas are in dire straits.

Rain clouds

A horse is stuck in the red tailings mud and a car teeters on the roof of a destroyed home.

Botanical gardens and parks benefit from recycled and treated water.

Farmland and horses need water for survival.

Tailings are pumped into tailings dams which need great care in construction and maintenance.


Recycled water is used in irrigation.

Cotton irrigation pipes.

Can you begin to imagine the complexity of water pipes and treatment in big cities?

Cockatoo and wildlife use the Murray River.

Recycled and treated water is pumped to Parklands, sporting fields, recreation centres, water parks, public fountains, water features, ponds and gold courses to name a few. Water treatment plants are waiting in the wings to bring purified water to business, industrial and homes in time of drought.

Storm water and sewerage pipes are monitored and maintained.

Huge pumping systems are in overuse in many of the country river systems especially in cotton farm irrigation.

Under the city and town streets, the sewerage and storm water pipes run.Sewerage is piped to the sewerage treatment plants.

The river of tailings flows out to the sea causing pollution in the river and ocean.

The beautiful Australian Red Gums which grace many of our river systems are stressed and dying to to lack of water and river banks collapsing from over pumping of water for irrigation.Root systems are exposed and branches are dying and dropping.Many birds nest in the holes left in the trees.

Huge round earth dams and constructed to hold the water for the cotton irrigation along the Murray River and other river systems.

Open cut mining has left many mines with large dams of water, polluted for decades.