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#twinmooc #twinpartner


GENERAL DESCRIPTION This project is aimed at organising several chat or videoconference sessions in the four different languages taught at my school: English, French, German and Italian. The main aim is for students to meet their peers from ours or from other schools so that they can communicate in real-life situations, according to the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).




According to the philosophy of eTwinning: -Being able to interact with other speakers from either our own school, the rest of Spain or abroad. Learning from them. -Learning to collaborate and feel respect for other learners. Also: -Practising the oral aspect of the language we are learning and becoming confident in it. -Learning more about the culture of the language we study. -Learning how to respect others online (Netiquette). -Developing organizational tasks that don’t just rely on teachers, rather, being autonomous to hold a chat session or to decide what to talk about without the help of a teacher. -Students teaching other students.


The main aim is to foster communication and to promote collaboration, according to which, everyone learns from everyone.


The whole process may last one academic year.


-First, creating a team with both teachers and students who will lead the project. -Then, contacting other students from our own and other schools, that is, that is, finding partners to collaborate with. Sharing our project with them and inviting them to be a part of it. -Sharing our project on the e-Twinning page so that other schools can join us. -At least, for a start, we may try inviting other students from our own school to participate. -Designing a calendar with sessions, duration and the main topic or activity that will be carried out in each. -Choosing the topics for the online chats. -Testing the tools we’re going to use, becoming familiar with Doodle, Google forms, Hangouts or FlashMeeting.

Beginning: October-December


Assessment should be carried out at the begnning, in the middle and at the end of the project. This can be done by creating several Google forms that are shared with all the participants and also, during the video conferences, a space dedicated to opinions and suggestions will help us to improve in a collaborative way.



-A leading team of at least four teachers is needed (one per language). -Another leading team of four students belonging to each language is also essential, in order to ease communication and coordination. -For a start, the students participating will be those belonging to our school, so at least, they can speak one of the languages (communication will be easier after they’ve been studying the language for at least one or two years). -Later, the more schools and students, the better. -An account in FlashMeeting, Google or Skype will be needed to hold videoconferences. -Schedules may be carried out using this tool: http://doodle.com/en_GB/ -Weekly sessions must be planned in which one or several groups can take part. -First the teacher, then the students must suggest topics for conversation. -The sessions may happen during classroom time or during the teachers’ extra hours. To start with, 30’sessions may be enough. The timing can be increased as we become more familiar with the project. -Everything planned will be published on eTwinning space so that everyone has access to it.



-To assess the whole project, once it's over, a google form will be shared with all the participants. In it, which can also be done collaboratively, several aspects may be taken into account and voted for. -The aim of this is having a follow-up the next academic year. -As a matter of fact, the aim of the project is to be published within the eTwinning community so that other schools may join us, either form our country or the rest of the world. The more, the merrier.


-Perhaps, at the beginning, a simple session to introduce each other and speak about our interests and what we do, plus the exchange of a few questions should be enough. -Maybe, some teachers can be invited to act as guests in order to introduce the project in the first session. -Our own language assistants can also act as guests in some sessions, which adds up motivation and interest. -As time goes by, we may have more ambitious goals such as treasure hunts or webquests as well as celebrations and festivities such as Christmas or St Patrick’s. -Cinema, books, art and music are topics that everyone likes talking about too. -Everyone must know the calendar so that they can join in the sessions they most like.


-Throughout the project, a Facebook group, a Twitter hashtag and a Pinterest board will be created so that all participants can share their views, experiences and ideas or suggestions to enrich the project. These will be very useful tools to assess the viability and suitability of the project itself.

-Once the project reaches the month of April, a Google Form will be shared with all the participants in order to assess the success of the project. -Once more, the items can be thought of collaboratively and everyone can contribute their ideas. -Depending on this, there may be a follow-up during the next academic year.

The fun begins: January-April

  • http://doodle.com/en_GB/http://doodle.com/en_GB/
  • https://hangouts.google.com/https://hangouts.google.com/
  • https://www.skype.comhttps://www.skype.com
  • https://www.google.com/forms/about/https://www.google.com/forms/about/


info@genial.ly www.genial.ly


Special thanks to: https://twinblog.etwinning.net/15323/This project is the one I borrowed the main idea from.

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