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Evaluating a CLIL eproject

-Discovering New Planets-


1. Quality Content.

2. Multimedia.

3. Accessibility.

4. Innovation and originality.

Quality Content

- The eproject created by Estefania Blanco Hernández is based on a meaningful problem to solve: how to create their own planet. - It is a clearly structured eproject and it has coherent content which align with the topic. ​- The eproject has some lacks:

  • ​The author doesn't show students and other readers an example of students' last project.
  • Estefenia encourages their students to develop a critical thinking and collaboration but there is no problem solving in her standars.


The project has plenty of different multimedia resources

This eproject has a Creative Commons License


This eproject is not adapted for people with special needs or disabilities neither show inclusive practices.

Innvation and originality

  • Everything used in this eproject has been created by the author.
  • Students make their own chices and work by themslves but guided by the teacher.
  • This eproject is a clear example of how to encourage students develop their ICT skills and knowledge.

Rubén Peinado González
