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Una combinacion de un verbo con preposicion o adverbio, o ambas.



​The phrasal verb combined with a particle (a preposition or an adverb like for, About, with, back, etc.) to form a word with a new meaning. For example, if we combine the verb to find (find) with preposition out, we have a new verb, to find out which means learn.Using this kind of verb is very characteristic of English, especially among Anglophonesnatives. Often foreigners avoided or simply unknown, but many situations are essential, even when they are not, use your English can give a touch much more natural.In some cases you will see a clear link between the meaning of a phrasal verb and its components.For example, it makes sense to turn around (turn around) include the verb to turn (rotate) andadverb around (about).But sometimes it is impossible to deduce the meaning of a phrasal verb through logic. Byexample, the meaning of to put up with (tolerate or endure) have no relationship to that ofput (put), or with up (above) nor with (with). Therefore, you should think of each phrasal verbas an inseparable unity and not get mislead by the meanings of its components.However, sometimes the verb and the particle of a phrasal verb can distance themselves from each other in a phrase. For example, in the next sentence are separated by the object of the verb, it: f you don't know a word, look it up!

​Types of phrasal verbs

1. Phrasal verbs separable: in these cases, the object can be placed before or after the particle: She's picking her kids up / She's picking up her kids.2. Inseparable phrasal verbs: the object is placed just after the particle: I ran into your parents on the street.

  • It is important to note also rule: if the object of a separable phrasal verb (type 1 above) is a pronoun (me / it / him / them etc.) is placed before the particle.
For example, you can say: She's picking her kids up or She's picking up her kids.
  • But if we replace the pronoun her kids with them, the object has to go between the verb and the particle:
She's picking them up

​Types of phrasal verbs

  • ​​However, the phrasal verb of the second example above, to run into, does not support this position. Therefore, even if the object is a pronoun, it is placed after the preposition.
I ran into them on the street.
  • Sometimes you will see phrasal verbs with more than one particle. In some cases, it is a phrasal verb to which is added a second particle (preposition) when an object has. For example;
My brother and I get along. ← In this sentence, there is no object.I Get Along With Him. ← The object binds him to the verb con with.
  • Other phrasal verbs always have two particles. In general, these are inseparable. For example;
I look forward to hearing from you.

​How recognise the phrasal verbs

  • Sometimes English students have trouble distinguishing between particles that are part of a phrasal verb and those without. For example, in the following sentence the verb to call could mean calling or could be part of to call for a phrasal verb which means claim.
What Did They call for? = Why did you call? o What they claimed?
  • Another example: As a phrasal verb, to run into means bumping into something or encountering someone by chance (as in the example above). But into preposition you can also follow the verb to run without phrasal verb to form a special meaning:
I ran into her at the bank. I ran into the bank.
  • How can you know when is a phrasal verb and when it is simply a verb plus a preposition? There is no magic secret; the key is to look at the context and build on experience.

  • wake up (despertarse)
What time did you wake up? (¿A qué hora te despertaste?) Have you ever woken up before 5:00? (¿Te has despertado antes de las 5:00 alguna vez?) A veces wake up tiene un objeto; en esos casos es separable: Yesterday I woke up my kids at 8:00. (Ayer desperté a mis niños a las 8:00.)
  • get up (levantarse)
What time does he usually get up? (¿A qué hora se suele levantar?) Yesterday he got up at 8:00. (Ayer se levantó a las 8:00.) I've never gotten up (US)/got up this early before. (Nunca me he levantado tan pronto.)
  • go back/come back (volver)
You can go out, but come back before dark. (Puedes salir, pero vuelve antes de que anochezca.) I loved Japan. In fact, I'd like to go back some day. (Me encantó Japón. De hecho, me gustaría volver algún día.)


  • ​work out (funcionar, salir bien)
He moved to New York to be with her, but it didn't work out. (Se mudó a Nueva York para estar con ella, para al final no funcionó.) I hope everything works out. (Espero que todo salga bien.)
  • show up/turn up (aparecer)
He said he would come, but he never showed up. (Dijo que vendría, puro nunca apareció). Has she ever shown up on time? (¿Alguna vez ha sido puntual?) "I can't find my keys." "Don't worry, they'll turn up." (“No encuentro mis llaves.” “No te preocupes, aparecerán.”)
  • come over/come round (pasar por casa de alguien)
What time should I come over? (A qué hora debería pasarme (por tu casa)?) They came over for dinner last night. (Vinieron a casa a cenar anoche.) She's never come over on a weekday. (Nunca ha venido a casa entre semana.)
  • come out (salir un producto, película, etc.)
When is that movie coming out? (¿Cuándo sale/se estrena esa película?) The new iPhone came out last week. (El nuevo iPhone salió la semana pasada.)

  • ​come up (surgir)
I won't mention it unless it comes up. (No lo mencionaré a no ser que surja.)
  • turn out (salir, resultar)
It turns out that Ana knows your sister. (Resulta que Ana conoce a tu hermana.)
  • work out (hacer ejercicio, sobre todo en el gimnasio)
To have a body like that you have to work out a lot. (Para tener un cuerpo así tienes que hacer mucho ejercicio.)
  • end up (acabar, terminar de una manera no esperada)
We ended up in a small town on New Year's. (Terminamos en un pueblo pequeño en Año Nuevo.)

  • get around (moverse, desplazarse)
What's the best way to get around Madrid? (¿Cuál es la mejor manera de moverse por Madrid?) When I lived in Munich I got around by bike. (Cuando vivía en Múnich me movía en bici.)
  • get on/get off ​ (subir/bajar un autobús, tren, avión, etc.)
We got on the bus half-an-hour early. (Subimos al autobús media hora antes.) Have they got off /gotten off (US) yet? (¿Han bajado ya?)
  • look for (buscar)
Are you still looking for your keys? (¿Estás todavía buscando tus llaves? I've been looking for them all morning. (Llevo toda la mañana buscándolas.)
  • run into (chocarse con algo; encontrarse con alguien) En muchos casos se utiliza con each other (el uno al otro): We always run into each other on the street. (Siempre nos encontramos por la calle.)

  1. Put the phrasal verb in the correct sentence.

​work out / come up / turn out / run into / look for / get around.

  1. ​My grandmother has trouble by herself.
  2. I've been them all morning.
  3. He a phone booth with his car.
  4. How did your cake ?
  5. These words don't very often.
  6. She at the same gym as I do.


  • Turn on/turn off (encender/apagar)
Please don't turn on the lights. (Por favor, no enciendas las luces.) Okay, I won't turn them on. (Vale, no las encenderé.) Did you remember to turn off the lights? (¿Te acordaste de apagar las luces?) I always turn them off when I leave the house. (Siempre las apago cuando salgo de casa.)
  • take off (quitar)
I took off my shoes. (Me quité los zapatos.) This jacket has a hood, but you can take it off. (Esta chaqueta tiene capucha, pero se puede quitar.) He's never taken the plastic off his cell phone. (Nunca ha quitado el plástico de su móvil.)
  • put on (poner)
He was cold, so he put on a jacket. (Tenía frio, así que se puso una chaqueta.) I haven't put any butter on your bread. (No he puesto mantequilla en tu pan.)
  • figure out (entender a través del razonamiento; descubrir una solución por su cuenta)
Can you figure out how this phone works? (¿Puedes ver/entender cómo funciona este teléfono?) I can't figure out why she didn't call. (No entiendo/No me explico por qué no llamó.) You don't need the instructions.

  • make up (inventar)
Try making up your own exercises. (Intenta hacer/inventar tus propios ejercicios.) It wasn't true; I made it up. (No era verdad, me lo inventé.)
  • set up (montar, configurar, programar)
You start the fire and I'll set up the tent. (Tú enciende la hoguera y yo montaré la tienda.) I got a new computer, but I haven't set it up yet. (Me compré un ordenador nuevo, pero todavía no lo he montado/configurado.) We set up the meeting last week. (Programamos la reunión la semana pasada.)
  • look up (buscar en un diccionario, en Internet, etc.)
“How did you learn that word?” “I looked it up.” (“¿Cómo aprendiste esa palabra?”“La busqué en el diccionario.”) Why don't you look up the schedule online? (¿Por qué no buscas el horario en Internet?)
  • pick up (recoger, levantar, contestar el teléfono)
They picked me up at the airport. (Me recogieron en el aeropuerto.) Can you pick up this suitcase? (¿Puedes levantar esta maleta?) If the phone rings, don't pick it up. (Si suena el teléfono, no lo cojas.)

  1. ​Completa las phrases con el verbo adecuado.
put / pick / pick/ look / turn / make / take / find / set.
  • You don't know what to tell them? Just ________ something up.
  • This suitcase is so heavy I can't even ________ it up!
  • You can ________ up your e-mail account so you don't receive spam.
  • I can't remember the address, but I'll ________ it up online.
  • Do you usually ________ off your computer when you go to bed?
  • If you don't like the label you can ________ it off. 8. ________ on your hat before you go outside.
  • How did you ________ out that Santa Claus wasn't real?
  • I'll ________ your parents up at the airport.