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School presentation

1st epal of drama



The 1st EPAL of Drama is a Vocational Secondary School located in the northern part of Greece. It has approximately 335 students, 14-18 years old and 50 teachers. Students are taught lessons of general education such as Greek Language,English,Physics,Maths,Chemistry,PE,Biology etc as well as theoretical and laboratorial lessons in specific fields and specializations.There are also special classes for students with learning difficulties.

Our school has the following sectors:*Mechanical engineering, *Electronics and Electrical engineering, *Construction design *Applied Arts . The students are given training in well-equipped and modern laboratories.Our graduates have access to Universities and labor market.

1st EPAL has students of cultural and multi-linguistic backgrounds and, therefore, varied and different learning needs. There is a large number of migrant students coming from countries of the former Soviet Union, financial immigrants from Albania and Bulgaria and a small percentage of Syrian refugees . Many students come from families with intensive economical problems since the region of Drama has high unemployment rates.

Our yard

our gym

"A healthy mind in a healthy body"

Author Name

We participated in many Comenius , Leonardo Da Vinci, Etwinning and Erasmus projects. We had partners from Spain, Portugal, Italy, Turkey, Bulgaria, Belgium, Romania and Poland....

Erasmus corner



"Knowledge is power"

1st Epal Dramas

Thank you!


1o Epal Dramas Official
